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Hi ! I'm Mehdi . In this tutorial I will show you how we can create an egg and how making texture for it .
May be it's very banal for you , but I think it's very useful for the beginners [ actually I wrote this tutorial for the beginners like me , not for professionals ]

Ok . I think it's better present you softwares I used for this tutorial at first :

AutoDesk 3ds Max 9
DeepUV v1.3.0.9
Texporter v3.4.7.9
Adobe Photoshop CS2
V-Ray 1.5RC

Notes :
DeepUV is a Right Hemisphere's product you can download it form its site :
[ http://www.righthemisphere.com ]
Texporter is an additional utility by Cuneyt Ozdas & Sinan Vural . You can find it on web .
[ http://www.cuneytozdas.com ]
V-ray is a render system I used it for my render .
I recommend you learning about this powerful rendering system .

Ok . Come here to see what we want to do in tabloid.
At first we make an egg in 3ds Max ; easily. Then export it to DeepUV to make a map for our model ( Unwrap map ) . After we make the unwrap map , back to 3ds Max an take a render by Texporter for our base texture . Then go to Photoshop and use this render to make our texture . And at the end back to 3ds Max and use our final texture for material and F10 !
Lets go this tutorial step by step .

AutoDesk 3ds Max 9
At first we must create a sphere with these parameters :
Now , we convert our sphere to Editable Poly , for this , select the sphere if not selected and right click on the scene , go to "convert to" and select "convert to editable poly" .
In this step , we must give oval shape to our sphere . for this , select the sphere if not selected , then go to modify panel , in selection part select "Vertex" and all vertexes will appear in all views .
Now select upper vertex of sphere ( you can use front view to select it , if vertexes are mixed together in perspective view. it mokes it yet easier if use zoom to close to vertex) .
Open "Soft Selection" part if not open and check "Use Soft Selection" . A gradient ramp will appear on the vertexes from red to blue . Increase or decrease value of "Falloff" until blue color reach to vertexes in middle of sphere . I use 3.2cm for Falloff .
Now active front view and select "Move" tool from main menu and move vertexes in Y-Axis . Move them until you find best location .
Our egg is ready to cook!
We must export our model to DeepUV on this step , so open file menu and select "export" . Select *.OBJ in the file type menu and save it . When you click on save , a dialog box will appear . It's better that we use "Polygons" in the "faces type"
DeepUV v1.3.0.9
Ok . Now run DeepUV . Click on Open icon and browse to find your Obj file that saved in previous step .
Select "Rotate tool" and rotate your model in "Perspective" window to have a better view .
From the main menu , click on "Select" and choose "All" .
Select "Materials" tab from command panel at right , click on "Material#1" and click on "Assign to polygons" button . You can see result in "Material" window at left .
Select "Mapping" tab from command panel and try "Planar1" or "Planar2" button to have a result like me in Material window . I used Planar2 in my tutorial .
Active Material window and click on "Edit" from main menu , then select "Free Transform" . Transform control box will appear around the map , hold down {shift} button on your keyboard and rotate your map 90 degrees clockwise to have a result like me .
Click on "Lift" button from tools section in command panel . You can see result in Material window .
Now we must bind two parts together , for this , we must zoom on vertexes are in edges . I started from first vertex in the middle of map . Choose "select" tool and select the first vertex . When you select it , it change to red color and the opposite vertex change to pink color . In fact , these two vertex are one vertex , you can see this in perspective window . you must select both of them . for this , hold down {Ctrl} button on your keyboard and select the other vertex . Now click on "Join" button from tools section in command panel .
Continue this work until all of vertexes bind together . I did it from middle to top and middle to bottom .
Now , it's magic time . click on "Relax" button from tools section in command panel . Wait to finish progress . Now our unwrap map is ready .
The only work you must to do , save your work by click on "File" on main menu and click "Save" .
AutoDesk 3ds Max 9 + Texporter v3.4.7.9
We must Import our model to 3ds Max . for this , click on "File" in main menu and choose "import" , browse to find egg model and click "Open" . A dialog box will appear ,uncheck the "Obj smooth groups" and click on "OK" .
Now we must load Texporter utility . For this , click on Utilities tab , click "More…" button , and find Texporter from the list , click on it and click "Ok" .
Texporter parameters will appear .
It's enough to determine your render's dimension and input width and height in the image size (pixels) . Then click on "Pick Object" button and select your egg . After some little moments your render is ready .
Save your render for base of texture .
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Open your render that you save it in previous step . This is base of your texture and you can work on it and create your texture . For begin , I used one of shapes you can see here . At first I deleted some parts and then deformed it by free transforming .
For better work , decrease opacity of this layer to 30% . In this step we must use "warp mode" transforming and move some points . You can see some of them on this pic . We must embed the shape in a 4x4 square , you can see it on pic .
I create 4 shapes and embedded them on correct place , then create a copy from them for the other side of texture .

I Hope this tutorial could help you, however a little .
You can see some of my textures that I create them by this tutorial in the samples at below.
View my final render : [ View ]

Best Regards ; Mehdi Mahjourian
[ Fanous ]

:: Samples ::